
Poi sang long tradition and legead.

poisang long or tradition called '' oradination ball ''is the tradition of the great thailand. it has inherited the long strands of  the dog that ran smoothly up to the festival and ceremony imply that the sang-novices.

poi sang long is a popular event during march to may evey year.thailand is a major cause of the child's prayer to have the opportunity to research ordinate communication leads to the monks of buddhism.

Legend of poi sang long.

holds the buddha. the two offenses is that lee county and the history of the lord  boddha .the lord is perfected in the kapilavastu on time before the tonsure. As a prince, he is dressed as a king. and when i said i must have entered  the teack or event  poi sang long . the majority of thailand . title ix has  been  provided with the child resembles the prince and his father , also called kata male or rose's mother.

